Friday, August 14, 2009

August 10 - Low Key Day

Today we wrapped up all the little things that we wanted to make sure to do in Brugge before heading to the big city. We posted a box of souvenirs home and visited a small quaint chocolate shop called Dumon. Ladies and Gentleman, let me just state that this is truly the next to the best chocolate truffles I have EVER had. The best would be made by Wicked Chocolates in Seattle ( I think is the website). This chocolate is SO good, that it makes Godiva look like the ugly red headed step child with braces. The shop keeper is the daugher of the woman who stgarted the shop, and sister to the current chocolatier. She was so excited to talk with us about the history of their company, how much they care about chocolate, how they are able to grow, what each of the chocolates were, etc. We bought a small mixed box, and as we left we noticed the personaly signed Christmas card from Rick Steves and his family on the cupboard. After chocolate we ate fries with tarter sauce and ketchup in the town square, and went for a walk to see the town's remaining windmills. After a light lunch of tapas and beer (beer, chocolate and cheese all before noon!) we caught the train to Brussels.

1 comment:

SeattleStamper said...

Dumon is on my must visit list and I'm so glad to see you posted about it! You've got me so excited for Burges & Amsterdam after reading your posts. Off to Africa now which will be another adventure. Blessings to you both!