Friday, June 12, 2009

Chaing Mai...the anti-Bangkok

Well after our stellar reviews of our backpackers hotel in Bangkok it won't surprise you for me to say that on Wednesday morning we packed up our bags and got the heck out of there. In our humble opionion sitting in the lounge at the airport with free food, free drinks, and free wi-fi for a few hours was a much better use of our time than being in Bangkok. Here is a picture of Sean taking it easy in the lounge.

Our flight to Chaing Mai was uneventful and short. We took a taxi to our B&B and realized that we were in a wonderful place. The air here is saturated with the smell of the jasmine and flowers (that smell kind of like grapefruit) that grow in the gardens here. Our room is beautiful and huge. And perhaps the biggest difference is that the people here are outragiously hospitable. Their smiles could light up a room. We quickly made reservations for all the things we wanted to do, and got fitted for suits which will be mailed home after we depart.


SeattleStamper said...

Wow, that is a beautiful room! The vegitation outside and pictures you posted of flowers remind me Hawaii.

Cameron said...

Dude, you look like an Australian!! I want an "office" like that...